Wisconsin InfoLink
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May 2018: Opioid Crisis
Opioid Overdose Crisis (National Institute on Drug Abuse)
HSS.GOV Opioids (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services)
America's Opioid Epidemic (CBS News)
Short Answers to Hard Questions About the Opioid Crisis (New York Times)
Opioid Crisis Fast Facts (CNN)
Opioid Crisis is Just Getting Worse (The Hill)
Opioids (Wisconsin Dept. of Heath Services)
ER Visits for Opioid Overdoses Soar in Wisconsin (Wisconsin State Journal)
Fact Sheet: Fighting the Opioid Crisis in Wisconsin (Office of the Governor)
Series: The Opioid Epidemic in Wisconsin (WisCONTEXT)
The Cost of Wisconsin's Opioid Crisis (Badger Institute)
Our View: Educate Yourself on Dangers of Heroin/Opioids Epidemic (Green Bay Press Gazette)
April 2018: Trade and Tariffs
Trump's Tariffs Against China are Sparking Fears of a Trade War. Here's Why You Should Care (Fortune)
The Basics of Tariffs and Trade Barriers (Investopedia)
International Trade (World Trade Organization)
Trade and Tariff Data (Our World in Data)
Your Trade War Questions, Answered (Marketplace)
Tariff Databases (U.S. International Trade Commission)
U.S. Manufacturers Worry Tariffs Could Undermine Recovery (Wall Street Journal)
Wisconsin Cranberries on European Union Target List for Retaliation Tariffs (Journal Sentinel)
Wisconsin has Much to Lose if a True 'Trade War' Breaks Out (Wisconsin State Journal)
Wisconsin Ginseng Growers Worry About New Chinese Tariffs (Wausau Daily Herald)
Wisconsin Businesses Skeptical of Trump Administration's Tariffs Against China (Business North)
Why Are US Cranberries Repeatedly Threatened With Tariffs? (CNN Money)
March 2018: Gun Debate
The Gun Debate (FactCheck.org)
Will Parkland Change the Gun Debate (Rolling Stone)
One mass shooting every day: Seven facts about gun violence in America (The Telegraph)
The Rules of the Gun Debate (The Atlantic)
Ten Lies Distort The Gun Control Debate (Forbes)
In wake of Las Vegas mass shooting, reviewing fact checks on guns and gun control (Politifact Wisconsin)
Walters: School safety bill renews gun debate (GaxetteXtra)
Wisconsinites favor gun background checks, according to Marquette law school poll (Journal Sentinel)
Scott Walker's Record on Guns (OneWisconsin Now)
Pocan Says Tone Has Changed in Federal Gun Debate (WPR)
Gun Control (Just Facts)
Gun Laws - Legal Fact Check (American Bar Association)
February 2018: Mass shootings
Mass shootings in the US: there have been 1,624 in 1,870 days (The Guardian)
What we know about mass shootings (PolitiFact)
One mass shooting every day: Seven facts about gun violence in America (The Telegraph)
Deadliest Mass Shootings in Modern US History Fast Facts (CNN)
The terrible numbers that grow with each mass shooting (The Washington Post)
US Mass Shootings, 1982-2018: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation (Mother Jones)
What Explains U.S. Mass Shootings? International Comparisons Suggest an Answer (The New York Times)
After Sandy Hook we said never again. And then we let 1,507 mass shootings happen (Vox)
Gun Violence Archive
After a series of deadly mass shootings, should Wisconsin rethink concealed-carry? (InBusiness)
Wisconsin Senate candidate blamed school shootings on 'the self-esteem movement.' (Think Progress)
Mass shootings aren't more frequent - but they are deadlier (Wisconsin Gazette)