Wisconsin History Day By Day

Related Web Sites:
Francis McGovern (Wikipedia)

Francis E. McGovern, Progressive Era Governor

Former Gov. McGovern Was Once Teacher in County

Read More About It

"Dictionary of Wisconsin Biography" by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin



Interesting Fact:

Many of the progressive issues that are connected to Robert La Follette actually came to fruition while McGovern was governor.

Study Questions:

  • How did the two progressives, La Follette and McGovern, get along with each other?
  • Where did McGovern develop his political power and in what position?
  • What major progressive programs were implemented under McGovern's tenure as governor?

    U.S. historical events that occurred on January 21:

    1977: President Jimmy Carter pardons nearly all of the draft evaders during the Vietnam War.

  • January 21

    Wisconsin's Governors

    Francis E. McGovern, the 22nd governor of the state, was born on this date in 1866 on a farm near Elkhart, Wis. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1890 and was a high school principal at Brodhead and Appleton. He was admitted to the bar in 1897 and became assistant district attorney of Milwaukee County. He was elected governor in 1911 and 1913. During his terms, McGovern continued the La Follette policies and extended the progressive period in Wisconsin politics. Died: May 16, 1946.

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