Related Web Sites:
Wisconsin Geography and Topography
Milwaukee and Rock River Canal
The Route of the Proposed Milwaukee and Rock River Canal, 1838
Read More About It
"Our Rock River" by Nels Akerlund and Ted Landphair
"The Rock River Valley" by Royal Way
Interesting Fact:
The route of the canal was to go from Milwaukee to the Rock River at Watertown and then to the four lakes in the Madison area, then to the Wisconsin River which would lead to the Mississippi River.
Study Questions:
What was the purpose of wanting to build the canal?
How much of the canal was actually constructed and where did this occur?
In the 1830's, what was more important in the U.S. and Wisconsin, boat transportation or railroad transportation? Why?
U.S. historical events that occurred on January 5:
1925: Nellie T. Ross, Wyoming, becomes the first woman governor in the U.S.