Wisconsin History Day By Day

Related Web Sites:
1865 Viroqua Tornado (Wikipedia)

Tornadoes of June 28, 1865

Vernon County, WI Tornadoes

Read More About It

"A Tornado Climatology for Wisconsin" by Pamela Naber Knox



Interesting Fact:

The tornado hit a schoolhouse east of Viroqua and lifted it off the ground. The teacher and eight students were killed.

Study Questions:

  • Since 1865, when did the most powerful tornado pass through the Viroqua area? How many people were killed?
  • What time of day did the tornado hit? In 1865, would there have been any warning signals?
  • On a Wisconsin map, locate Viroqua and Hillsboro.

    U.S. historical events that occurred on June 28:

    1778: Mary Hays McCaulley (Molly Pitcher) helped Revolutionary War soldiers during the Battle of Monmouth by carrying water to them.
    1919: The Treaty of Versailles is signed ending World War I.

  • June 28

    June 28, 1865: One of the earliest recorded tornadoes in Wisconsin destroyed Viroqua. The storm killed 24 people between Viroqua and Hillsboro.

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