Related Web Sites:
American Fur Company (Wikipedia)
John Jacob Astor & the American Fur Company
Read More About It
"Furs by Astor" by John Upton Terrell
"The First in the Wilderness" by David Sievert Lavender
Interesting Fact:
From 1829 to 1831, the American Fur Company handled, on average, 708,000 furs each year.
Study Questions:
What were the conditions that caused the American Fur Company to declare bankruptcy?
What was the primary fur trapped in Wisconsin?
Why did the fur trading industry eventually die out in Wisconsin?
U.S. historical events that occurred on September 10:
1608: John Smith is elected president of the Jamestown Colony Council.
1813: The U.S. naval force commanded by Oliver Perry defeats the British in the Battle of Lake Erie.
1955: Gunsmoke premiers on television.
1963: Twenty black students attend public school in Alabama.